People who go hiking with me may think that I like bugs very much, because I can always spot insects at unnoticed places and quickly take a picture for them. Yes I like watching bugs, but they quickly become annoying when they come too close.
Another kind of 'unusual' objects at my photographs are plants. In a normal hike or trip, I spend much more time on plants than anyone holding a camera, while some of them are so small that you won't notice them even when walking on grass.
Everyone (referring to those mentioned above) is surprised by my strange observation for being able to find out these little things at corners. Personally I am quite proud of such ability, but I think it is not the most important factor for finding bugs or plants.
What really important is, very few people have such things in their mind. When people never think of seeing interesting bugs or plants, it is not surprising that they can't find any. When traveling at somewhere far away, besides places to visit, it is a totally different aspect to know something about the local fauna and flora. It is much easier when go hiking, however I find a lot of 'experienced' hikers
pay no attention on their surroundings, but simply walk and walk. What a pity that they paid so much effort on walking, but spend no time just to have a look on the surroundings.

Bagan, Myanmar Green Arabia
To find the bug/plant to take photo is not easy in a first place, but to take the photo is easy, if you can
1) wait
2) feel comfortable even when you/your camera get dirty
These two principles are perfectly demonstrated as shown below
As a reminder, especially to those who own expensive DSLRs, no need to be so kind to equipment. What the price represent is the ability for enduring harsh environment, instead of the need of caring.
To me, maybe I can never follow principle 2 in such an extreme way. But I am always patient, best demonstrated with this photo. I have seen hundreds of lotuses in the trip, while I found none of them in satisfactory condition, besides this one. On the flower, sometimes there are bugs while sometimes there are not. The bugs fly or stand still, so you have to wait till they stay at good positions long enough for pressing the shutter. Therefore it becomes one of the only two pictures of lotus in the whole trip.
On the other hand, creatures sometimes bring funny combinations with the environment.
Some may think I just ridicule on Siddhartha, just like mocking all other 'saints' as usual. Not at all. I take these photos will full respect. I find temples with bats and swallows nesting in, or with kids playing with cats divine. It is because plants, animals and kids are all innocent. They find nothing important or unimportant, just like any divine beings. What the world view as divine are actually artificial and sterile. But mother nature is not like this. Growth itself is the holiest of all. Chaotic, but lively.