10:54 AM me: countdown...
As of 10:30 p.m. EDT on Sept. 23, 2011, the orbit of UARS was 85 miles by 90 miles (135 km by 140 km). Re-entry is expected between 11:45 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23, and 12:45 a.m., Sept. 24, Eastern Daylight Time (3:45 a.m. to 4:45 a.m. GMT). During that time period, the satellite will be passing over Canada and Africa, as well as vast areas of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. The risk to public safety is very remote.
18 minutes |
11:12 AM georgeleung: sosad
11:13 AM 差唔多時候WO
me: yes,留名睇高登仔阻擊衛星
11:14 AM georgeleung: 要金爺爺幫手adore
me: no, he failed
when the satellite drop, some civilians are killed
11:15 AM georgeleung: sosad 比金爺爺更勁o既高登仔
39 minutes |
11:54 AM me: The likely re-entry window has opened. NASA predicts UARS will make its fiery plunge into the atmosphere within the next 60 minutes. The satellite is south of Australia at the current time, about to fly over the Pacific Ocean toward a crossing of Canada, then the Atlantic Ocean and Africa, if UARS remains in orbit that long.
11:55 AM georgeleung: sosad
me: gogogo
georgeleung: http://trollphysics.tumblr. com/
11:56 AM georgeleung: 美國都有高登仔掛
me: i think that is closer to layman than phd comics
11:58 AM georgeleung: PhD comics 除左學術撚之外邊個睇得明? sosad
11:59 AM me: right
10 minutes |
12:09 PM me: 宜家有d似eva嗰集,等巨大太空使徒跌落嚟ge感覺 :o)
12:10 PM georgeleung: diu sosad
me: 我都冇睇過直播升空/墜毀
12:11 PM georgeleung: Columbia 個次?
me: 最接近ge係當年X-prize flight, SpaceShipOne連續兩次升空嗰陣中學一放lunch就 去圖書館開機追
12:12 PM georgeleung: 幾時o既事?
me: 2004, first private developed manned space mission (just sub-orbital)
12:13 PM georgeleung: 考緊會考sosad
24 minutes |
12:38 PM me: 0430 GMT (12:30 a.m. EDT)
If UARS is still up there, it has passed over North America. We'll post official confirmation of the re-entry when it is announced.
If UARS is still up there, it has passed over North America. We'll post official confirmation of the re-entry when it is announced.
georgeleung: sosad
12:42 PM me: 0434 GMT (12:34 a.m. EDT)
"It's possible that UARS is down by now," NASA just said. "We're waiting for confirmation from U.S. Strategic Command."
"It's possible that UARS is down by now," NASA just said. "We're waiting for confirmation from U.S. Strategic Command."
it comes!
12:45 PM georgeleung: cant see shit
12:46 PM me: NASA says it has split into a couple dozen huge pieces and that it has slowed down on its descent toward earth.
it is now above africa :o)
georgeleung: :o)....
17 minutes |
1:04 PM me: 0458 GMT (12:58 a.m. EDT)
NASA says the agency is working to confirm the re-entry location and time. It will provide an update shortly.
NASA says the agency is working to confirm the re-entry location and time. It will provide an update shortly.
georgeleung: sosad
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