







已經很多年沒有參加皇天一年一度的bobo無聊頹廢camp(以下簡稱D campDDeluxe也)。本會近年軍政失序,百廢待舉。據說今年本來連D camp也未必搞得成,多得幾位至少比我有人性一點的長老一再訓示,總算能成事。


奇怪的是,雖然近來不斷咒罵自己的年齡,但到了聽比自己小六七年的師弟講各項軍國大事,卻感到離我不遠。這大概就是D  camp對舊生的吸引力所在吧。

來到D camp,看到好久不見的友人。有的還是老樣子,有的變成與過去完全不同的人。不過也可能是因為現在能談的話多了,又遠離當初認識時的環境,能看多一點。以前還未有意識到這件事。





第二天在偉大物理系新生輔導營食宵過後飛奔往東壩。雖然不乏可圈可點的流星,整體上感覺不及之前一天。主要原因不在於夜空燦爛與否,只不過是因為時間太短, 加上英仙座流星雨令人感動地大受歡迎,使東壩變得如假日的中環街上,坐滿了在吵鬧的人,故未能盡興。黎明時慫恿友人做在下一直很想而完全沒種的事——從防波壩頂爬到臨海的最後一塊錨形石。白老鼠竟走了一半。看來未必是不可能的事。



Kant's what is enlightenment

the essay

Enlightenment as a realization of dignity is clearly stated. It is especially noteworthy that Kant put much emphasis on the importance of using reason publicly, instead of privately. However it was pointed out that the largest resistance for oneself to be enlightened is his own laziness. Institutional and eccelescial influence is rather secondary. Another difficulty stressed by Kant is the paradox of 'guiding' the blind public towards self-guiding enlightenment.

However Kant made a strange distinction on the 'executive' and 'scholarly' roles which any person plays simultaneously. To Kant, the 'executive self' can do nothing but obey; while all the reflections and oppositions are left to the 'scholar self'. It is a complete inconsistence. One must not do anything he find immoral. Otherwise how is it different from commiting crime consciously? On the otherhand, to too many people, 'not working' is the only weapon to fight against the vicious capitalists. What can they do besides disobedience?

Though one should not criticize with a view which is too modern even in this day and age when civil disobedience is still a matter of dispute, it is clearly shown that the mild Janus play of executive and scholar does not work. In the world of capitalist oligopoly, one can only success by arguing with action. It is not ideal as it is not purely rational. But we have no choice.






缺乏想像力是比較麻煩的問題。其實大多數人(當然包括在下)都缺乏想像力。因此都只能靠傳媒得到二手的報導。傳媒報導的人大多是不認識的,自然不知他有甚麼資質幫助他做到了不起的 事。但你清楚你的友人是甚麼料子,能夠評估他們做的事自己能否做到。在這方面,友人是一面很好的鏡。另外,幸運的話或許會遇到一兩個做到了不起的事的人, 讓自己開開眼界。這就是說,多見世面可以補缺乏想像力的不足。見識廣了,能想像的也多了,不足為奇。

自信不足,以為自己無法做到是無救的。只有當這個人改變心態,相信努力能補救現有不足時才有轉機。有幾句話特別要跟這類人說。就是對待困難危險的事有兩種做法。一是不做。二是完美地將之完 成。兩種方法都能避過所有危險。另一個無救的情況是無法感受不可思議的事的吸引力。這點可以不談。




人不輕狂枉少年,說的是要趁青春做點特別的事,並沒有說少年以後不能輕狂。以往我曾經如大部份人一樣,覺得年少以後就真要醒醒定定了,甚至說過「反正往後幾十年的性命都不是自己的了,何不趁現在多縱容自己放肆」的話。現在我收回這句話,及其他意思相近的發言(如有)。往後幾十年的性命不但是自己的, 更要更加屬於自己。以往有一個疑問,到底完成一年旅行的人是如何返回現實世界的?遇到跟我同年,現在正休學一年第二次長期旅行的人,以及到五六十歲仍不斷地飛,喜歡青年旅社氣氛的人後,我找到答案。輕狂是一生事業。不論你的戰場是整個地球表面,是議會門外,還是網絡世界,都不能因年紀漸長而改變,更不能因此而放棄。不是說趁現在即管喪玩,畢業後就生生性性做人。沒有這樣的道理。生生性性做人,為的是讓自己輕狂的餘裕,不能本沒倒置。

但人無法終日都在行動。光行動的話,只會落得為行動而行動,最終被行動吞噬而迷失。一切行動都是出自內心真切的需要才付諸實行。這些感覺需要時間累積。因此在下 一次行動之前,要保持敏銳的感覺,讓自己多點經歷,然後才會找到之後應做甚麼。同時,不斷提升心法和技法,在思想和體能上勝過從前,才能做更高難度的事。




Fauna and Flora

People who go hiking with me may think that I like bugs very much, because I can always spot insects at unnoticed places and quickly take a picture for them. Yes I like watching bugs, but they quickly become annoying when they come too close.

Another kind of 'unusual' objects at my photographs are plants. In a normal hike or trip, I spend much more time on plants than anyone holding a camera, while some of them are so small that you won't notice them even when walking on grass.

Everyone (referring to those mentioned above) is surprised by my strange observation for being able to find out these little things at corners. Personally I am quite proud of such ability, but I think it is not the most important factor for finding bugs or plants.

What really important is, very few people have such things in their mind. When people never think of seeing interesting bugs or plants, it is not surprising that they can't find any. When traveling at somewhere far away, besides places to visit, it is a totally different aspect to know something about the local fauna and flora. It is much easier when go hiking, however I find a lot of 'experienced' hikers
pay no attention on their surroundings, but simply walk and walk. What a pity that they paid so much effort on walking, but spend no time just to have a look on the surroundings.

Bagan, Myanmar Green Arabia

To find the bug/plant to take photo is not easy in a first place, but to take the photo is easy, if you can
1) wait
2) feel comfortable even when you/your camera get dirty
These two principles are perfectly demonstrated as shown below

As a reminder, especially to those who own expensive DSLRs, no need to be so kind to equipment. What the price represent is the ability for enduring harsh environment, instead of the need of caring.

To me, maybe I can never follow principle 2 in such an extreme way. But I am always patient, best demonstrated with this photo. I have seen hundreds of lotuses in the trip, while I found none of them in satisfactory condition, besides this one. On the flower, sometimes there are bugs while sometimes there are not. The bugs fly or stand still, so you have to wait till they stay at good positions long enough for pressing the shutter. Therefore it becomes one of the only two pictures of lotus in the whole trip.

On the other hand, creatures sometimes bring funny combinations with the environment.

Some may think I just ridicule on Siddhartha, just like mocking all other 'saints' as usual. Not at all. I take these photos will full respect. I find temples with bats and swallows nesting in, or with kids playing with cats divine. It is because plants, animals and kids are all innocent. They find nothing important or unimportant, just like any divine beings. What the world view as divine are actually artificial and sterile. But mother nature is not like this. Growth itself is the holiest of all. Chaotic, but lively.