
Conspiracy Theory of the Day

"In some ways she was far more acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda. Once when he happened in some connexion to mention the war against Eurasia, she startled him by saying casually that in her opinion the war was not happening. The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself, " just to keep people frightened ". This was an idea that had literally never occurred to him."

North Korea's actions are always unexpected. Perhaps we can never know the actual operations behind, but to figure out the motivations may not be as difficult.

In a totalitarian state, there is no real laws, and therefore no real 'government'. Instead, the state is ruled by several military leaders, who play endless games of power conflict internally. Diplomacy is like other internal affairs, which can increase the bargaining power of some rulers. Therefore internal conflicts become international. One must remember that the same mechanism gave birth to the Japanese invasion to China in 1937, as well as the Soviet invasion to Afghanistan in 1979.

On the other hand, since the rulers cannot tolerate any groups with different political view, a non-democratic regime has to gain legitimacy through apolical means. They have to find some other ways to buy support from the people (e.g. the economic boom of PRC shows how a government can "buy" support literally), or to keep the people misinformed such that they won't consider other alternatives (e.g. the internet Great Wall of PRC), or simply to frighten the people from acting against the government, through either real or fictitions brute force.

Another common way is to maintain a sense that the state is in danger, and therefore the frightened people are willing (both intentional and unintentional) to surrender their freedom to the government. The Cultural Revolution is for sure the masterpiece constructed under this thought, while North Korea is doing something similar till now. A fake war may not be too crazy.

Democratic states do the same thing, though in a much shorter time scale. Most of the elected presidents and parties can only rule four or five years. What they have to do is to do something eyecatching (e.g. to play with the terror threat level system) at the last several months and the people with poor memory will be willing to die for them.




In a coming article, I will talk about Myanmar, another country of isolation and paranoia. It will be real observations instead of speculations.

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